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A cat cafe is simply a cafe were you can enjoy your favourite yummy bevrages and treats accompanied by cats.


There are at least 100 cat cafes in Japan and Tokyo, their success put down to the rise in residents renting properties as a pose to buying making them unable to have their own cat.


There are many reasons why people in Leeds can't own a cat, such as: not being allowed a cat in a rented property (with twice the national average renting), being too busy, living in student halls, or not having enough money.


That's a lot of people missing out on the therapeutic benefits of cats! 


Interaction with cats can lower blood pressure, increase our natural "love hormone" oxytocin, de-stress, and even help children with athsma.


There are currently only 2 in the UK: One in Totnes and the other London. There was so much hype around a cat cafe coming to London, we think Leeds would would be equally excited at the idea. We definitely are! 


If you want to find out how to get involved, click the Get Involved! Link above and below. 



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